Reaper Render Prep SCript
Installation / Usage Guide
Installing the render prep script
Extract it into “C:\Users\x\AppData\Roaming\REAPER”, overwrite if needed.
Download & install the SWS extension: Except for being needed for the render prep script to work it also contains a huge amount of useful scripts.
Open reaper and go into Actions -> Show action list…
In the bottom right corner, press New action -> Load ReaScript.
Locate to “C:\Users\x\AppData\Roaming\REAPER\Scripts\Daniel” and choose “Render prep (SFX).lua”.
You should now be able to find it in your actions list, among a bunch of other scripts from the SWS extension. Make sure to bind the Render prep (SFX).lua script to chosen key.
Using the render prep script
1. Select every variation you want to render.
2. Use the shortcut you setup for the render prep script earlier.
3. Enter Region name. If there are any reverb/delay effects that needs to be included in the render enter the amount of seconds needed under Tail (s). If you want the variations names to be numbered write input “y“ for Increment (y/n)
4. Press OK, the regions should now be created and make space for eventual tail. It will also automatically check the “Master mix“ box in the region render matrix for the newly created regions.